Newly established Funeral Supply Company MillSleep Funeral Supplies Inc.
Is proud to announce the introduction of the Matthews Cremation Line of Caskets to the Ontario Marketplace. Billy Sleep, current Sales Rep. for ESCO has a full service Funeral Supply Company. Based in Stoney Creek Ontario, MillSleep Funeral Supplies is centrally located to offer 24/7 delivery service to The Golden Horseshoe, The GTA and Central Ontario. Weekends will be no exception. Many of you will identify with this type of service provided by Billy (aka Sleepy) during his twenty years plus with Astley and Associates. Sleepy will endeavour to offer that same type of reliable and dedicated service via MillSleep Funeral Supplies Inc. Billy will continue to represent The Embalmers' Supply. MillSleep will focus primarily on the more affordable Matthews cremation line of Caskets, although many of the products offered will be perfectly appropriate for burial. Utilizing the ecological qualities of Medium Density Fibre Board, Cardboard and Paper Veneer, Matthews has created a product that maintains the attractive styling of a traditional hardwood casket at a fraction of the cost. The Matthews lines fit perfectly with MillSleep’s concept of offering a quality product at a reasonable price while providing exceptional 24/7 service. For more information or to request an appointment please contact Billy at 905-541-2819.